Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween...a week late...

It has been awhile since we posted anything. Here are some pictures from Ella's first Halloween. We went over to the Benzes house. They were all dressed up, but I failed to get pictures of everyone! Zoe (10 years old) was dressed like Alice from Twilight, Addie (5 years old) was dressed like a ghost, Rachel (the mom) was dressed like she was back in the 80's, and Dave (the dad) had a shirt that read Dr. I guess he was a vampire??? Vinny and I didn't dress up, but little Ella kind of did. She wore a onsie that said "I Love My Mummy." I couldn't find a costume that would fit her. Everything I found was still WAY TOO BIG. She is still wearing newborn size... Next year will be more fun! Ella will be just over a year old and then there will be PLENTY of little costumes to choose from. By then she will hopefully be walking!!

A close up of the outfit.

It looks like she is throwing gang signs in this picture!!

Family Picture!


  1. LOL! It DID look like she was throwing gang signs! She's just down with the Benzes... I saw those pictures on facebook and I said to myself "they aren't at their house, but that place looks familiar!". It was a really bad moment for me.

  2. Alisha, you look great! Very pretty!
