I haven't been feeling well, so I went to the doctor last night and was diagnosed with Type A influenza, which could mean I might have the H1N1 virus. What a bummer...It takes 12 days for the lab to confirm or deny if I have the H1N1 virus, but my doctors are treating me as if I do have it.
I will have to say that I LOVE my doctors! Everyone at the doctor's office were being so diligent in making the right medical decisions and checking the baby. They prescribed me Tamiflu for now and I can take certain over the counter medications for my symptoms. They told me that if my fever every reached past 101 I would have to be admitted to the hospital to be monitored since I am 33 weeks pregnant.
Last night was rough, but my temperature never went past 100.5. Praise God! I have been fever free for about 10 hours, so hopefully that part is over. The flu like symptoms have only increased with LOTS of body aching, head congestion, extreme soar throat, etc.
Please pray for my health and for baby Ella. My doctors have said I need to take a week off of school to rest...which means this will cut into my maternity leave days. I keep telling myself that I don't need to push myself, but I hate using my sick days now!! :)